Monday, February 24, 2020

Beginner Guide to PHP Data Types

PHP is an open source scripting language which is used on a server side and is used to interpret the scripts at the runtime. They are basically used to make the performance of the website better. It is used with static sites, dynamic websites as well as web apps. Even big technical brands such as Wikipedia, Tumblr, Facebook etc.
It is so adjusting langauge that you can easily add an HTML code in the PHP script whereas reverse is not true. It takes the data from the user and produces the desirable output.
To learn this language one needs to know HMTL, CSS as well as JavaScript thoroughly. Because since this is a backend language so it will be added to a site only after adding frontend of the site.
PHP is accompanied by MySQL, where MySQL database is basically a storage scape which stores the data that is entered by the user and returns it as the command says.
Now, lets explore about,

Data Types in PHP :-

1. PHP Integers

Most of us know that integers are basically the whole numbers i.e. the ones which do not have decimals. They can be presented as decimal, hexadecimal or octal. They can be either positive or negative.

2. PHP Strings

Strings are letters, numbers or special characters. It is presented as bytes. The maximum size of the string that can be formed is 2GB. It is usually written in single quotes ('Hello ADMEC') but you can also write it in double quotes ("Hello ADMEC").
3. Floating Point Numbers
These are also called by the following names : floats or doubles or real numbers. They can either be decimal numbers or fractional.

4. PHP Booleans

Boolean variable provides 2 values as output that is either 1 or 0 or you can say true or false. These are the simples values that a data type can return.

5. PHP Arrays

Arrays as we know are the variables which can conatin more than one single variable. It is best when we want to combine objects of similar properties under single title. We can also say that it is index collection of different data values.

6. PHP Objects

It contains 2 things that is data as well as the information of that data. It is an instance of a class. They are build using different keywords :
Syntax :
class Student {
// constructor
public function __construct($f_name, $l_name) {
$this->first_name = $f_name;
$this->last_name = $l_name;
public function say_name() {
echo "My name is " . $this->f_name . " " . $this->l_name . ".n";
$alex = new Student("Alex", "Jones");

7. Null DataType

When we want to present the empty variable in this then they are done using Null data type. This type does not contain any data value or information.
Qualities of this :
  1. Simple
  2. Efficient
  3. Object Oriented Langauge
  4. It is Open source
  5. It is free
  6. It has large community of supporters
  7. It is flexible
  8. It is secure one.
  9. It is familiar one.
There are vast career options that you can go for after successful completion of PHP course from a reputed institute such as ADMEC, which has industry expert trainers. Following are the career options : PHP expert, backend expert, full stack web developer etc.
Are you excited to explore more about PHP then join the best PHP course in ADMEC Multimedia Institute which is the best PHP training institute in delhi as they have best team of industry expert professionals who will guide you at each step. For more information feel free to contact at 9811782350 and 9911818122.

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