Animation is a field in which images and objects are put into movement i.e it is a dynamic area in which images or objects are manipulated such that they appear as moving images. I am Alisha Garg pursuing Graphic Master Plus course from Admec Multimedia Institute. Today I’m going to discuss about animation, motion graphics and how we can create a basic motion graphic using Adobe After Effects. Before starting we should be clear with the term motion graphics and After effect software.
An Overview To Motion Graphics
Motion graphics are generally known as the animation or collection of digital footage which give initiate in creating amazing illusion of motion. Apart from aniamtion, it also include the audio section whihc makes it more appealing. It is the combination of Graphic design and aniamtion or you can say it the crossroad of both the terms.
Adobe After Effects – An Overview
Adobe After Effects is a digital animation software used to create visual effects, compostinf and motion graphics. It is developed by Adobe Systems. Mostly used in post post-production process of television production and film making. Is's main features includes keying, tracking, compositing and animation. There is a huge demand for after effecs professionals in the post production industry and one can secure their career by joining advanced After effect course in Delhi from any professional institute.
After Effects and Motion Graphics
After effects allows you to create your own motion graphics by providing various tools such as shape, text and pen tool. It allows to put keyframes, manipulate the transform properties using keyframes and thus creating animation. It provides inbuilt effects which can be further manipulated to create a visual effects for example an effect called cc particle systemsII helps you to create particles in the animation. It also provides various inbuilt text animation which can be previewed in Adobe Bridge first and they can be applied in the animation.
After effects imports footage and creates composition using footage on active workspace area where all the keyframing, manipulation are done.
Let's Create a Basic Motion Graphics Using After Effects
We will begin with simple text animation using keyframing and transforming properties of text layer.
1. Go to file->new->new project(ctrl+alt+N)
2. Select new compostion, Change its name to motion graphics and hit ok.
3. Create a new solid layer, go to time layer window right click with mouse->opens a panel->new->solid layer.
4. Set the color to grey and hit ok.
5. Select the type tool from tool bar, text layer is added into the compostion. Type Motion Graphics.
Now move the time controller to 1s and hit the scale keyframe and set the property to 100%.
7. Bring back the time controller to 0s and hit spacebar or simply play the animation.
8. You will see the text layer size is growing from 0s to 1s. Thus creating an illusion of movement of text i.e. creating a simple motion graphic using text.
Let's look at some examples of Motion Graphic in After Effects-
1. White Board Animation
2.Motion Graphics Compositing
3. Wedding Slideshow Animation
4. Song Subtitling
This is just a basic for motion graphics in after effects. You can also play with shape layers to create motion graphics. There is no extent to which animation can be done in after effects. After effects has a vast area of scope and one can do alomost everything related to animation on this single platform.
Best Institute to Learn Adobe After Effects Course in Delhi
To be a master of this application joining Post Production Institute would be highly beneficial for the aspirants like you. It is an education partner of ADMEC Multimedia Institute and provides highly professional video editing and post production courses.
Motion graphics have a vast scope. So keep exploring!!
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