Monday, September 13, 2021

Reasons Why is Laravel the best PHP framework for PHP Developers

Hello there PHP developers! This blog talks about some of the most important reasons to learn Laravel which is a trending framework nowadays.

Templating Engines

Laravel uses Blade Template engine but before we know its features we should know what Template engines are and what role they perform in frameworks.
  • Template engines are basically tools which are used to extend the capabilities of simple HTML by writing codes in an advance way in HTML files which then gets rendered into HTML.
  • Laravel’s Blade template also provides such advanced functionality such as conditional statement, Loop syntax and also helps in caching for improved performance.

Database Migration

Migration is also one of most prominent features of Laravel which makes it very special for application development.

This feature gives a way of version control of the database by creating migration files. These files contain information about table creation and their alteration which can be easily incorporated on a new development machine by some simple artisan commands.


Sometimes, application performs CPU intensive processes for retrieving data which sometimes results in slow output. This is why it is very common for applications to retrieve data and cache it so that one can access them quickly. Luckily, Laravel provides an expressive, unified API for various cache backends, allowing developers to take advantage of its blazing fast data retrieval which speeds up the web application.


When a web application is ready there is one task which is needed to be done in order to ensure that now it can be used by the end users and that task is Testing. Basically testing is the process where we check the application code for possible bugs and vulnerabilities which can hinder its performance and can also expose the application to cyber attacks. This makes testing one of the most critical part of any framework.

Laravel is built with testing in mind. It works smartly when it comes to the testing. It has the ability to detect as well as prevent regressions. It works on artisan command-line utility.

Quick Development and Future ready

All the above features stated combined makes Laravel one of most preferred framework for PHP developers. Once learned well it can give a developer immense power to create projects quickly and can also be used in big and scalable projects.

MVC architecture helps in dividing an application's logic which makes it easier to find files and make changes with its security feature one can totally be carefree about cyber attacks.

Its easy package handling helps in adding complex functionalities in quick time. Eloquent ORM library gives easy and simple syntax to deal with complex SQL queries.

Its artisan console helps in doing common tasks fast by simple cli commands. Blade template engine helps a lot in rendering complex data in html output and at last its testing features makes sure that the application is right for fulfilling the demand which is the ultimate goal of every web developer.

Get set to learn PHP with industry experts at India’s best PHP training institute.

Enroll in PHP training courses like PHP master course and PHP & MySQL course to kick start your training.

For more info, contact ADMEC on +91 9811818122.

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