Monday, January 13, 2014

HTML 5 and CSS 3

The Hyper Text Markup Language was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Today we can see that html has been developed to html 5 and it becomes very easy and beneficial for the development of websites. Though HTML 5 has been known since years but this standard came in use around April 2010. The first version of HTML came in 1990 and after so many revisions HTML 5.0 came as the fifth version of HTML standard.
What is HTML5
HTML5 is not new software to be installed but an advanced version of html.HTML is a mark-up language that makes use of various tags and attributes for presenting the contents of a webpage. HTML 5.0 is a result of the combined efforts of two organizations- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG). The HTML 5 features are supported by the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera etc. The logo for HTML 5 is
Basic Structure of HTML5:
<! DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=”utf-8” />
<title>HTML5 Apprentice</title>

HTML 5 cannot alone be put to any work for interactivity purposes. It is often supplemented with CSS 3.
What is CSS3
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) plays an important role in the look and presentation of the website content. CSS 3, a latest incarnation of CSS is continuously gaining popularity although it is not supported by many browsers. Various additional features are provided by CSS3 which enhances the appearance of website. The effects can be much easily achieved by CSS3 which could require a lot of efforts and time if created with another application. These features may not be related to functionality of a web page but might make a design look more clean and interactive. The most interesting feature is that it gives an opportunity to the user to know more about a page before getting the time being wasted in loading. Various other features are :
1.      Text shadow effects underneath text elements.
2.      Appearance of shadow on events like hover etc and also to decide the space of work area when events are applied.
3.      Allows images to be uploaded with border.
4.      Use of round corners is possible without applying an image.
5.      New font can be added easily by uploading your file to the server, linking it to CSS file and create a new font family.

New Features of HTML5
Some of the new features that can even run on low-powered devices include:
1.      Requires a very simple doctype to be defined like <!DOCTYPE html> which was very complicated to write in previous versions.
2.      Easy to add various audio and video elements for media playback
3.      Feature of canvas element that supports two-dimensional drawing surface.
4.      Helps to support web applications when we are offline.
5.      Provides various new form controls like – calendar, date, time, url etc.
6.      Provides new semantic elements like footer, header, navigator, article, section etc to enrich semantic content of documents. Some previous elements like <a>, <cite>, <menu> have been changed and standardized.
1.      Provides more flexibility in creating and implementing websites.
2.      HTML5 implements web sockets, therefore it is very easy and quick to load the documents than its previous versions.
3.      It gives us the opportunity to create universal mobile phone applications rather than of a specific kind. Therefore, these applications will be much easier to access.
4.      Various audio and video elements can be added without the need for external plug-ins.
5.      HTML5 has error handling capabilities to detect syntax errors to be effectively and gracefully handled by browsers.
6.      It also defines the processing that needs to be done for invalid documents.
HTML5 and CSS3 have given a great boost to web designing/developing sector. They are much advance and easier than previous versions of HTML and CSS. HTML5 along with CSS3 can provide us with serious design credibility. They help us to create more powerful, easy to maintain and future proof web pages. This language is progressing at a faster rate and will result in more new and better features that will make old websites look outdated. These enable us to handle the multimedia and graphical content very easily without having to resort to external plug-ins and API’s.

      For more information please click here:  

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