Saturday, January 23, 2016

LENGTHEN Command in AutoCad

This command is very useful in AutoCad. In this command we can change the length of object including angle of arc. In this command you can specify changes. LENGTHEN command can be used for trimming and extending objects.

This command's shortcut is LEN (enter). In this command their are four sub tools and these are very useful to change the objects value.
Sub tools are -> Delta ,Percent ,Total ,Dynemic
  • DELTA:

This command's shortcut is DE (enter).
This command is used for extend or remove length of object. In this command,if we are giving value in positive then the length are extend and if we are giving value in negative then the length are remove of object.
This is the way to use delta command:- 
LEN (enter)

Select an object or ( DElta/Percent/Total/DYnemic)
DE (enter)
Enter delta length or (Angle):[<+ve value for extend /
-ve value for remove>]

This command's shortcut is P (enter).
This command is used to extend the value of object according to percent.
  1. If we assume the total percent to be length of the object (let initial be 100%).

  2. The input value will be reduced from initial value.Example [ Inputed value = 120% , Initial value = 100% then Result 120-100 = 20% extend the initial value].

  3. The object will be extended/ shrinked as per the result obtained (if result is +ve then length are extend and if result is -ve then length are shrink).
This is the way to use the percent command:-
LEN (enter)
Select an object or ( DElta/Percent/Total/DYnemic)
P (enter)
enter percent value: <>
  • TOTAL:

This command's shortcut is T (enter).
In this command we are maintain the line. If we want to extend or shrink line then we are use Total command.
This is the way to use total command:-
LEN (enter)
Select an object or ( DElta/Percent/Total/DYnemic)
T (enter)
Enter the total value: <>

This command’s shortcut is DY (enter).
In this command we are modify or maintain the object. In this command we are giving in object new point and end point , and this command will remove the object in between new and end point.
This is the way to use dynamic command in autocad:-
LEN (enter)
Select an object or ( DElta/Percent/Total/DYnemic)
DY (enter)
Select the object or <end point>.

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